?> writing content | The Creative Competitor

Tag: writing content

Life As a Writer – How Routines Save the Day

Life As a Writer – How Routines Save the Day

Content, we are told, is king and without it we may fall into obscurity!

Who wants to be obscure when you can get social credibility by just writing a few blog posts or perhaps using other people’s posts on your own site. Writing is easy for some and very difficult if you do not know how to do it easily.

The Space Time Relationship for Writing Content

The Space Time Relationship for Writing Content

In honor of the relaunch of Carl Sagan’s iconic PBS television series “Cosmos” I have identified a new application of the space time relationship: Time disappears if you stay in the same space. You may have experienced this phenomenon… You sit down at your desk with the intention of doing a very specific thing. Something else catches your attention, and before you know it, you look at the clock and gasp! An hour has gone by and you still haven’t done the thing you sat down to do. It’s like it disappeared into a black hole. Here is how to avoid the black hole and get your writing done more efficiently.