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Script Treatments

By John Halasz

A handy tool for script writers, script treatments are a step-by-step shorter version of the script you are working on. They may be used to pitch your scripts upon their completion or act as a broad framework for you to work within. Such literary compositions are always written using present tense and are invariably without dialogue or with very few dialogues. Script treatments are short narratives of the writers’ work, explaining each of the sequences of scenes. They can be better visualized as the exterior that other people will view and the script itself as the detailed part of a system functioning in synergy.

Treatments allow the writer to sense how the flow of the story is going to feel. If at any point the writer is dissatisfied with the way the first draft of the script is going, the necessary changes can be made later to revise the treatment. Script treatments are not etched in stone but are supple skeletons of the intended script for movie, TV serials, or theatrical plays. Most executives in the entertainment industry want script treatments submitted in a certain format. If nothing is specifically told to you, you may use the following, commonly-accepted layout:

� Font — Courier New, 12-point font size.

� Margins — An inch all around.

� Title page — Title to be written in bold, centrally aligned followed by the log line below. All contact details plus the name of the writer should be on the bottom left corner and those of the document to be printed in the bottom right corner.

� Heading — To be aligned to the right margin and written in capital letters.

� Page number — 0.5 inch from the top edge of the page, aligned to the right margin, all numbers to be followed by a period.

� Contents — This should be left aligned without indentation, ragged right margin and single spaced.

� Length — Although you should make it as short as possible, one page for every ten pages is acceptable.

Writers are advised to compile script treatments that are enjoyable to read, which depict their unique style. There is no necessity to be fanciful; just include everything your story is about. Last but not the least, avoid typographical and grammatical errors. If you can please the producer with your treatment, you will scale greater heights in your chosen profession. It may be advisable to hire a professional to help you write your script treatment.

If you are looking for a []screenwriter for hire for your script, visit our website for screenwriting services: http://www.ScreenwritersForHire.Com/ Or call John Halasz at (716) 579-5984

Article Source: [] Script Treatments

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