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How to Make Yourself Write – Tips and Tricks

By Gina J Hiatt

 All writers, graduate students, and professors know that they’re supposed to write on a daily basis, or at least as frequently as possible. Despite this knowledge, most find it difficult to maintain a regular writing habit.

I’m frequently asked for tips on how to make yourself write, even when you don’t feel like it (which for many, is most of the time!)What is the One Way That’s Guaranteed to Work?Sorry! There’s no one correct method. And what works for you now may not work at some other time.

So I’ve listed a bunch of ideas below. Just pick what feels right for you, tweak it if necessary, and see what works!How to Write Right Now1. Start with right now. Don’t beat yourself up about what you didn’t do yesterday. Don’t think about how much you have to do by Friday or next month. Just do what you need to do at this very moment.

2. Change your writing format. If you’re used to typing, try longhand. This can be very freeing. Or print out your previous writing, and cut and paste it onto index cards in order to organize your thinking.

3. Remove yourself from all normal temptations, such as email and telephones. You can combine this with the previous tip. I notice that I get a lot done when I’m on a plane or in a waiting room. I have a notebook with me, and I start jotting down my thoughts, and sometimes I’m more prolific than when I’m in front of my laptop!

4. Use a timer. When you turn it on, you know that you can’t do anything else but write. No email, no Internet, no phone. The upside is that you know that when the timer goes off, you can stop writing, and do more enjoyable activities. Try setting the timer for short periods of time and then taking a break; say 30 minutes on and 10 minutes off. You can use the timer to time your breaks, also.

5. Sign up for my newsletter and receive the “Academic Writer’s Block Wizard.” Pull it out and use it when you’re stuck!

How to Set Up a Regular Writing Habit1. Always write first thing in the morning, before showering or reading the paper (caffeine optional.) If you’re not a morning person, pick another regular time.

2. At the end of each writing session, make a note as to what you will start with next time.

3. Have a special place where you always write. Set it up with everything you need, and if possible, don’t use this space for other purposes.

4. Focus on the amount of time spent writing (or trying to write!) Don’t focus on number or words, paragraphs or pages produced. What counts is the regular habit of thinking. Some days will be fruitful and others won’t. It all counts as long as you put the time in.

5. Track your progress. This might take the form of an ongoing chart that shows how much you’ve written daily, a journal, or a graph. One creative client of mine has developed a nice technique. Whenever she sits down to write, she lights a candle. This is a signal that she is not “allowed” to do anything but work on her writing. A nice touch is that she’s saved all the matches that she’s used to light these “writing candles.” The matches show her how much work she’s actually put into writing.

6. Put writing time into your calendar or daytimer as if it were an appointment. When others ask if you’re busy then, you can honestly say, “Yes.”

7. Keep a running list of points that you want to cover in your work. It doesn’t have to be an elaborate outline. Then when you’re stuck, you can go to your list. It feels good to check each item off as you cover it.

8. Find a writing buddy. Agree that you will each write at the same time each day. You can make this a more firm agreement by calling, writing, or instant messaging each other before or after you work.

Try one or more of these techniques – I’m sure one will be helpful. Just remember that the most important step is sitting down to write!


Gina J Hiatt, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist, tenure coach and dissertation coach and enjoys helping faculty and graduate students complete research, writing projects, and publish, while maintaining high teaching standards and other commitments. In addition to dissertation coaching, she teaches workshops and teleclasses on time management, writing, career planning and grad student/advisor relationships. Sign up for my free newsletter at or call me at (703) 734-4945.

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Freelance Writing: A Career From Anywhere

by Gary McLaren

An island in the Mediterranean. A beach in Africa. The east coast of New Zealand. What do all these locations have in common? A recent call for assistance from freelance writers elicited replies from every one of these locations. In each of these and in many other remote places, I know of writers who are freelancing with a fair degree of success.Indeed it is possible for freelance writers to work from anywhere. Consider my own recent experience. As the editor of the Worldwide Freelance Writer web site, I publish a newsletter that goes out to thousands of freelance writers around the world. I can recall one particular issue in the middle of 2002. I started planning the newsletter in the heat and humidity of Hong Kong. When the first draft came together I was in Indianapolis, in the United States. And by the time I completed the final copy and pushed the send button I was at a lakeside cottage in Ontario, Canada, with snow lightly falling outside.Maybe you are interested in a freelance writing career but you worry about whether you live in a suitable location. Well, think again.

Freelance writing is a job you can do from anywhere. It is true that if your home is near New York’s editorial offices you may be able to use your proximity to some advantage. But many, many freelance writers are working successfully from more distant locations, and in many cases enjoying a better lifestyle in the places where they live.

Take Ron Irwin, for example. An American, Ron freelances from a small house on the beach in Cape Town, South Africa. The majority of his work is still for North American markets. Consider Vella Corinne, a native of Malta in the center of the Mediterranean Sea. From this island steeped in history – the Order of St John was based here and the temples are thought to be older than the pyramids – she writes travel and lifestyle features.

Writers in locations such as these, far from being at a serious disadvantage, can actually enjoy a number of benefits. For a start, these writers are in an excellent position to write about their own locations, the people and the culture. Also, the living costs are often less expensive than for writers in major cities. And if that is not enough, how about fresh, clean air?

Writers working from remote locations usually live in a cleaner, more peaceful environment, and may live closer to outdoor and recreational activities. Vella reveals how she enjoys the warmer days: “Once I pack up my computer, I just head to the beach. Distances are short and, the island being small, I’m always close to the center of whatever’s happening here. I can control my own time in a way that I could not if I lived in a busy city.”

Twenty years ago writers in remote locations were often frustrated by the slowness of communicating with editors on the other side of the world. It would always take months to receive a reply from an editor. Waiting for a response to a query was about as exciting as watching grass grow!

In recent years the availability of the Internet has made it easier than ever before for freelancers to communicate almost instantly with anyone, anywhere in the world. In my own example above I traveled through a few countries over a three-week period and managed to conduct my freelance work at the same time. Many of my clients didn’t even know I was ‘on the move’. Little did they know that between receiving and replying to their messages, I was fishing in the lake and hiking through the woods. I could easily keep in touch with important contacts, as well as write and send out my newsletter.

But do you know what was even more exciting? While I was traveling my web site was hard at work, the entire time, ‘day and night’. Even while I was flying at thirty thousand feet, taking a nap, I was effectively selling a bunch of writing-related books and products. Now if that isn’t a freelancer’s dream becoming reality, I don’t know what is! Such accomplishments were definitely not so attainable before the advent of email and the World Wide Web.

Kathy Crockett freelances from Gisborne, New Zealand, on the east coast of the North Island. She commented to me on the difference technology makes when working from such a location. “It’s a city of 35,000”, she explains, “the closest to the international dateline, and the first city in the world to see the sun each day. Its closest city-size neighbors are three hours drive on windy roads…the internet, mobile phones…technology lets me be wherever I want to be… and fool others into thinking I’m where they’d like me to be!”

Of course working remotely is not always easy and there are a number of challenges that writers typically face. Isolation is a common issue. Vella explained to me she has a way of dealing with it. “At times it feels like I have a totally atomized existence. I balance that by scheduling some ‘face time’ each day”, she explains. I agree with her. Sometimes you must make a conscious effort to spend time with family, friends, or other writers.


Another challenge may be difficulties with technology. Finding a PC repair shop may be next to impossible. Internet access may be unavailable or unreliable. There are many, many places in the world that don’t even have telephone lines yet, not to mention email access. You can still work as a freelance writer from these locations, but it will not be as convenient. If you have any choice where you live, always try to choose a town that has telephone lines with reliable Internet access.


And that goes for working while you are on holiday too. Check the available technology in advance. In the example of my trip above, I received a surprise. There was no telephone line or email access in the cottage. My initial panic subsided when I discovered a telephone not too far away. In freezing temperatures, I trudged up the road. When I pushed the button to send out my newsletter my notebook computer was plugged into a payphone.

Are writers in remote locations at a serious disadvantage? No way! I am sold on the concept that you can work as a freelance writer from anywhere. And while you will face some challenges, none of them will be insurmountable.


So if you’re looking for a career you can do from anywhere, look no further. The writers I referred to and many others are working successfully right where they are. And so can you. Open up your notebook. Start writing. You can begin to build a rewarding career as a freelance writer today.


About the Author

Gary McLaren is the editor of Worldwide Freelance Writer. For more information on freelance writing and a database of more than 2,400 writing markets, visit



Crime Scene Investigation: Understanding The CSI Effect
By David A Webb
Programs such as Forensic files, Law and Order, CSI, CSI Miami etc may be hugely popular and thoroughly entertaining but they have created what is know in academic and professional circles as the ‘CSI effect’
According to Max Houck, director of the Forensic Science Initiative, a program that develops research and professional training for forensic scientists, “The CSI effect is basically the perception of the near-infallibility of forensic science in response to the TV show,”
The main distortion between fictional portrayals and the application of forensic science in the real world is ‘time frame’. It can take several weeks, sometimes months to get results back from the lab, however, in the fictional world of forensic science and crime scene investigation, results invariabaly come back straight away.
The CSI effect in action
It would seem that the CSI effect is most visible in the court room, particularly among jurors. Max Houck mentioned above, argues that Prosecutors fear the CSI effect among juries because they may question why everything is not subject to forensic analysis, when in fact not everything has to be. Equally, Defence attorneys are concerned about the CSI effect because jurors may perceive the science of forensics as completely objective and totally accurate, thus ignoring the possibility of human or technical error.
Writing for USA today Richard Willing outlined a number of examples that highlighted the CSI effect in action. These included:
A murder trial where jurors alerted the judge that a bloody coat introduced as evidence had not been tested for DNA. In fact, the tests were not needed because the defendant acknowledged being at the murder scene. The judge stated that TV had taught jurors about DNA tests, but not enough about when to use them.
A murder trial where jurors asked the judge if a cigarette butt found during the crime scene investigation could be tested to see if it could be linked to the defendant. The defence team had ordered the tests but had not introduced them into evidence. Upon doing so, the tests exonerated the defendant, and he was acquitted.
The fact that prosecutors are now being allowed to question potential jurors about their TV-watching habits.
To find out more about the CSI effect and to test your own crime scene investigation skills and knowledge visit:
Having worked as a lecturer in psychology in the UK, I recently moved to sunny Spain with my family, where I now work as a distance learning tutor and research dissertation supervisor.
Since 2000, I’ve been involved in collaborative research with teams of forensic scientists in the UK, US and Canada.
Keep up-to-date with the world of forensic science by visiting []
Article Source: [] Crime Scene Investigation: Understanding The CSI Effect

Make Money Out Of Misery

by Jasmine Birtles

 Sell your story
Almost every newspaper or magazine you pick up will feature at least one real-life story. Whether your life experience is outrageous, inspiring, tragic, or even comic, you may have something to offer them. It could be your husband’s affair, bankruptcy, a heart-warming reunion, an illness or even a dodgy bikini wax.
However, before you even think about picking up the phone to sell your story, make sure that you are completely happy about having your story, and possibly your life, in the public domain. Remember that your friends and family are likely to read or hear about your story so you need to be sure that you can cope with the possibility of negative reactions.
It may even be worthwhile getting legal advice or representation depending on the sensitivity of the story. It could also be necessary to keep a record of all conversations with potential buyers. You are very likely to be asked to provide proof to validate your story so keep relevant photographs or documents safe.
Who do you call?
Here are some things to consider when deciding who to approach:
                        What kind of story do you have to tell?
                        What kind of people will want to read your story?
                        What kind of stories feature in magazines?
                        What kind of stories feature in newspapers?

Look at different magazines and see the type of real-life stories they use to get an idea of where you might be able to sell your story. Magazines want their articles to reflect their readership and are usually targeted towards a particular age group, which will usually affect the kind of stories they feature. So teen magazines will be a good bet for bullying or family feud stories, a medical horror or dramatic slimming story would typically be suited to an older readership, while a more exotic or dramatic story would sit well with an upmarket glossy. If your story touches upon contemporary issues and has widespread appeal, perhaps a failed operation or how you had to sell the family home to pay off debts, it may be more appropriate for a newspaper feature article.
Get in touch
Some national newspapers like The Sun and The Mirror have phone numbers and email addresses set up specifically for people selling their real-life stories. Equally some magazines like ‘Take a Break’ have a separate section on their website to help you sell them your story. For those that don’t, simply call the switchboard of your chosen paper or magazine and ask to be put through to the features desk. For an alphabetical list of all the newspapers and magazines in the UK along with contact details go to the MediaUK website.
Also, consider using a press agency to sell your story for you. A press agency will often have the best contacts to sell your story and although they will take a percentage of your fee you may actually end up getting more money because they will have the contacts, and knowledge to make sure it is not undersold. The main ones are ‘NationalStory’, ‘Cash4YourStory’ and ‘Featureworld’.
If you think your story will be highly sought-after it may be worthwhile using an agent or public relations company like Max Clifford Associates. These agents have the expertise to sell it for the highest price by creating a bidding war and they will also help you organise any legal contracts. They may even be able to help you get paid work on TV documentaries and chat shows.
Make money
According to one national tabloid feature writer, the amount of money a newspaper will give for a story can vary widely from £200 to £2,000, or even more for an exceptional story. Magazines may pay you less but they also feature more real-life stories than most newspapers so may be more willing to buy your story. Take A Break, for example, says you could earn up to £1,000 by sending them a good tale.
You are likely to get more money from one of the tabloids but be aware that there is probably a greater risk that they will present your story in a way that you’re not necessarily comfortable with.

Jasmine Birtles is the founder of the money-making and money-saving website
Jasmine earns her living as a finance journalist, expert, TV presenter and is author of 38 books including the latest, “Beat the Banks!”
Sign up for MoneyMagpie’s weekly newsletter and get free money making tips, money saving guides and exclusive offers and discounts.
Article Source: [] Make Money Out Of Misery


Writing For the Web – Be Creative With Useful and Unique Content

by Angela Booth

If you’re writing for the web, you’ve got lots of competition. It’s a challenge to stand out. However, if you ensure that your content is both useful and unique, you will stand out, and the content you write will get traffic.
Content is king. Good content is what makes or breaks your blog or website. Good content will get visitors and subscribers, bad content or content that is exactly the same as everyone else’s will drive people away. What people want to see is that your content is useful and unique.
Ensure That Your Content Is Useful
Ask yourself what would be useful for the reader.
Let’s say you have been assigned to write about home automation for a home improvement store. Ask yourself what the store’s customers want to know. Do they want to know what types of home automation there are? Do they want to know how to install it? Do they want to know how to upgrade it? Do they want to know how home automation can cut their utility bills? Answer questions like these for your particular audience.
Depending on the assignment useful content can also mean that it is newsworthy, informative or just plain entertaining. How often do you click on a link or continue reading beyond a headline just because it sounds like it goes someplace fun or because it promises to tell you an interesting fact?
Promise to entertain and/ or be useful and your readers will follow you anywhere. Just be sure to leave out the flowery language and run-on sentences. When writing for the web to be useful is to be short and sweet.
Ensure That Your Content Is Unique
Your content is unique because YOU wrote it. No two people will write the same thing the same way.
For example, if you are young housewife assigned to write those home automation articles above, why not write the articles from your own experience. Write as if you are a young housewife who has managed to cut her utilities by having that home automation gizmo installed.
Pretend you are telling a friend about it and write it in the same conversational way. Of course, you’ll use all the technical specifications the client wants (perhaps in a sidebar article or chart) but you can present it in a way that will entertain the reader and keep him or her coming back to the site.
Being unique — in other words, being yourself — is critically important.
Most writers know that it is vital that your work is original and not copied from anyone else. Plagiarism is unethical and when it is discovered, it tends to cast a long shadow over the writer’s entire work. You may well get sued.
By using your own experiences, you can present useful information in an entirely new way.
Keep this in mind when writing for the web or anywhere else. Your clients will love how you keep their visitors coming back for more, thus improving their bottom line, and yours.
Discover how to make money online in your spare time with Angela Booth’s Sell Your Writing Online NOW []web writing training. Not only will you discover how to write and sell articles, you’ll get complete training in how the Web works, so you can take advantage of the unlimited opportunities.

For free weekly []writing tips, subscribe to Angela’s Fab Freelance Writing Ezine and receive “Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report” immediately.
Article Source: [—Be-Creative-With-Useful-and-Unique-Content&id=4582882] Writing For the Web – Be Creative With Useful and Unique Content


Writing Skills: Four Ways to Quickly Improve Your Skills

 by Angela Booth
 Want to quickly improve your writing skills? You can do it. Just follow these four simple tips.
1. Read More
The simplest way to improve your writing skills is to read more. Although it doesn’t matter much what you read, choose to read books, rather than reading online.
The more you read, the more comfortable you will become with the written word. Read for pleasure, as well as for instruction.
2. Learn an Easy Way to Outline
If you hate to outline, it’s because you’ve never learned an effective method. Think of an outline as a simple list of material you want to cover. Your outline may be a list of words, of sentences, or of questions.
Consider using outlines in two ways. Firstly, create an initial outline (remember, it’s just a list) of what you want to cover in the piece of writing. Secondly, create an outline once you’ve finished the piece.
Outlining work you’ve completed will help you to see lapses in logic, as well as to spot the things you’ve left out.
3. Separate Writing and Editing
If you can talk, you can write. If you find writing difficult, it’s because you’re trying to edit yourself as you write. This is impossible to do, because writing and editing use different parts of your brain.
You can’t edit what you haven’t written. If you sit staring at the computer screen, it’s because you’re trying to do two things at the same time.
When you’re writing, just write, as if you were speaking to someone. Don’t worry about whether it “makes sense”, or is “good writing” — that’s what editing is for.
Follow your outline, and get words onto the computer screen.
A day later, you can revise. This is where editing comes in.
Professional writers are professionals because they do one thing at a time. You can do this too. You’ll be amazed at how your writing improves once you learn to separate writing and editing.
4. Read Your Writing Aloud
Once you’ve completed a piece of writing, read it aloud, preferably into a voice recorder.
You’ll spot awkward phrasing, jumps in logic, and much more — even typographical errors. Try it.
Improving your writing skills is basically just a matter of practice. Use these four tips, and you’ll be practicing the right things.
Want to build your writing skills? Writing teacher Angela Booth offers a range of guides, classes and training to help you to become a professional writer: Angela offers coaching with most of her products, to ensure your success.
Article Source:–Four-Ways-to-Quickly-Improve-Your-Skills/709554


Bad Behavior – How Freelance Writers Sabotage Their Businesses

by Cyndy Kryder
When freelance medical writers lament about their lack of work and limited marketing opportunities, I probe a little further. I typically find they are driving away clients by engaging in bad behavior that makes them unappealing to prospective customers. Here’s my top 10 list of ways writers sabotage their own success.
1. Failing to meet deadlines. In my opinion, this is the #1 reason clients won’t give you repeat work.
2. Billing your client for more than the agreed-upon fee. If you failed to estimate the project correctly, then it’s your fault and you will need to eat the extra charges. However, if the scope of the project changed dramatically from the original estimate, you should have discussed these changes in scope immediately with your client and negotiated a different fee. In either instance, it is never appropriate to invoice your clients for more than they originally agreed upon.
3. Charging too little for a project. Customers believe they get what they pay for. If you charge well under the going rate, your clients could perceive your end product as inferior.
4. Avoiding clients’ phone calls. Your clients are purchasing your time. Be accessible to them.
5. Delivering a project riddled with grammatical and spelling errors. Your word-processing program comes with spelling and grammar checks. Use them!
6. Missing the target message and target audience. You did ask your client to clarify the key message and target audience before you started writing, didn’t you?
7. Being inflexible. Clients expect you to be flexible even when they aren’t. And nothing turns off a client like you whining about it.
8. Making excuses for inaccurate or inferior work. It’s your responsibility to see that you have everything at your fingertips to complete the project as expected. Before beginning the project, talk to the client and identify what input and resources you’ll need from them. And speak up immediately if they fail to provide them.
9. Asking too many questions. This may seem contrary to the previous item, but believe it or not, clients get turned off when writers ask so many questions they seem unable to move forward with the project. Don’t develop a case of analysis paralysis. Just DO IT!
10. Complaining about making revisions. Like death and taxes, revisions to everything you write are a sure thing. Expect your client to ask you to make multiple revisions and make them with a smile on your face. If you’re doing a good job of including revision drafts in your estimates, chances are you’ll be happy to make revisions because you’re getting paid for them.
Cyndy Kryder is a freelance medical writer with more than 18 years of experience. She is the author of Nude Mice and Other Medical Writing Terms You Need to Know and the coauthor of The Accidental Medical Writer. Cyndy shares tips and insights into medical writing through her free, opt-in monthly newsletter, Pencil Points. To read excerpts from her books and to subscribe to her newsletter, go to
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 Day Jobs of Famous Writers – The Work They Did Before They Were Famous

Most writers have been faced with the challenge of making a living while waiting for that big break. Day jobs I’ve held included dishwasher, custodian, film processing lab technician, copy-editor, advertising copywriter, publisher, and print shop stripper (it’s nothing dirty; I “stripped” negatives into paper frames which were used to “burn” offset printing plates–with today’s direct-to-plate technology, printers may not even need strippers anymore).
Here’s a look at jobs held by a few famous writers before they were famous. Some of them eventually were able to write full-time, others never sold enough books and had to keep their day jobs, and others like Scott Turow (who continues to practice law) and John Grisham (who remains interested in politics and considered running for U.S. Senator from Virginia in 2006) maintain their non-writing career interests.
Dashiel Hammet: The author of hard-boiled detective stories and novels started out as a private detective. His first case? To track down a thief who had stolen a Ferris Wheel.
John Grisham: Author of such legal thrillers as The Firm and The Pelican Brief, is an attorney who, from 1983 to 1990, served as a Democrat in the Mississippi House of Representatives.
Jack London: The author of White Fang, The Call of the Wild, and The Sea Wolf had a variety of experiences, including oyster pirate, gold prospector, and rail-riding hobo.
Langston Hughes: One of the first African American authors who was able to support himself by writing, he was, according to legend, discovered by poet Vachel Lindsay while working as a busboy at the Wardman
Park Hotel in Washington, D.C. Hughes had dropped his poems beside Lindsay’s plate. In his poetry reading Lindsay included several of Hughes’s poems, which resulted in journalists clamoring to interview the “busboy poet.”
William Carlos Williams: The poet and fiction writer was an excellent pediatrician and general practitioner, although he worked harder at his writing than he did at medicine.
Ralph Waldo Emerson: The American poet, philosopher, and essayist assisted his brother William in a school for young women they ran out of their mother’s house. He later was a minister and lecturer.
Henry David Thoreau: He began as Emerson’s handyman, moved on to selling vegetables, returned to the family pencil business, was a tutor and a teacher.
Nathaniel Hawthorne: The author of The Scarlet Letter and The House of the Seven Gables was a weighter and a gauger at the Boston Custom House, which housed government offices for processing paperwork for the import and export of goods. Later he was Surveyor for the districts of Salem and Beverly as well as Inspector of Revenue for the Port of Salem. He also wrote a campaign biography of his friend, Franklin Pierce, in which he left out some key information, such as Pierce’s drinking. On his election, Pierce rewarded Hawthorne with the position of United States consul in Liverpool.
Dan Brown: Before striking gold with Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, and The Lost Symbol, he was a high school English teacher.
Zane Grey: Early 20th century author of such popular novels as Riders of the Purple Sage, he would eventually publish nearly 90 books and sell more than 50 million copies worldwide. After years of rejection, he sold his first book at age 40 and was able to give up his day job as a dentist, a job that he hated.
J. K. Rowling: After her daughter was born and she separated from her husband, the author of the Harry Potter series left her job in Portugal, where she taught English as a second language, and returned to school to study for her postgraduate certificate of education (PGCE) so she could teach in Scotland. She completed her first novel while on welfare.
Mary Higgins Clark: After graduating from high school, she was secretary to the head of the creative department in the internal advertising division of Remington-Rand, a business machines manufacturer. She took evening classes in advertising and promotion and was promoted to writing catalog copy–future novelist Joseph Heller was a coworker. She also modeled for company brochures with aspiring actress Grace Kelly. Her thirst for adventure led her to become a stewardess for Pan American Airlines where she was on the last flight allowed into Czechoslovakia before the Iron curtain cut off east from west.
Harlan Ellison: The man who would later distinguish himself as a preeminent speculative fiction and mystery writer held many jobs before he was 20 years old, including tuna fisherman, itinerant crop-picker, hired gun for a wealthy neurotic, nitroglycerine truck driver, short order cook, cab driver, lithographer, book salesman, department store floorwalker, and door-to-door brush salesman.
Scott Turow: The author of such best selling novels as Presumed Innocent and Reversible Errors, still practices law as a partner of the Chicago firm of Sonnenschein Nath & Rosenthal, although on most of his cases he works pro bono.
Nicholas Sparks: After graduating from college the author of such best sellers as The Notebook, Dear John, and The Last Song tried to find work in the publishing industry and applied to law school but had no luck in either area. So he embarked on other careers, including real estate appraisal, waiting tables, selling dental products by phone, and starting a manufacturing business.
David Kubicek received a B.A. with distinction in English from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 1977. He has been a freelance writer ever since, with a brief stint in publishing. He has published several short stories and many articles, including nine years as a writer for the Midlands Business Journal. He has written a Cliffs Notes on Willa Cather’s My Antonia. Kubicek lives with his wife and son in Lincoln, Nebraska. Visit his Blog at or his Website at
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How To Become A Writer – Write With Passion 

by David B Silva

You’ve heard it … the best way to become a writer is to write. You shouldn’t be surprised. It’s good advice. Every writer writes.

But there’s more to it than simply writing. You have to see yourself as a writer. And that can be a challenge when you’re just starting out.

When you lack the confidence to call yourself a writer, sitting down to put words on an empty pages becomes exponentially more difficult.

So how do you become a writer if you don’t feel like one?

Here are some tips you might find helpful:

1. Write With Passion

Writing is about honesty. It doesn’t matter if your affection is for writing nonfiction or song lyrics or fantasy novels or even screenplays. As long as you stay true to your vision, you’ll find that the day-to-day routine of getting it all down on paper is much easier. Even through the tough times when the right words never seem to show themselves.

2. Share Your Work

Sometimes it’s easy to forget that writing is a form of communicating. If you keep your work to yourself and never share it, then what’s the point? I’m not talking about journaling, where you’re using your writing to deal with personal issues or to chronicle your life. I’m talking about putting words down on paper for one purpose and one purpose only … to be read.

So …

Show your work to someone. It can be a close friend, or a family member, your grandmother or even the members of your monthly book club. It doesn’t matter.

Just gather up the courage and do it.

Yes, it’ll probably be scary.

And yes, you risk a shrug and complete disinterest (or worse … harsh criticism).

But that’s the risk you have to take if you want to be a writer.

3. Play The Role of An Author

Want to feel like an author? Do what an author does. Write every day at a set time. Set a daily goal. It can be so many hours or so many pages. Just as long as you have a concrete daily goal to aim for. And don’t just set the goal … achieve it!

4. Submit Your Work

Again, if you want to feel like a writer, act like writer … submit your work to publishers. Are you going to get rejected? Probably. Will it feel like a disaster? Probably. Will the world come to an end? Nope.

A rejection slip is a badge of honor. It’s going to happen, even if you’re the greatest writer to ever put words on paper. So accept that fact and use your rejections to build relationships with editors and agents and publishers.

Bottom line if you’re wondering how to become a writer: fake it, then take the plunge and submit your work.

You’ve heard it … the best way to become a writer is to write. You shouldn’t be surprised. It’s good advice. Every writer writes. However, there’s more to it.


If you’re ready to get started writing that novel you’ve been putting off forever and a day, get started with our FREE, step-by-step novel writing e-mail course: And for additional tips on writing novels and short stories, visit: fiction writing

Amazon Launches Author Pages 
  by Julia McCutchen
When it comes to understanding the psychology of purchasing books and other products on-line, Amazon stands out as a real success story. The innovative and customer-centred approach that Amazon has employed to create and maintain its dominance in internet retailing is impressive.


One of the latest new offerings from is the launch of dedicated author pages. These offer customers a full bibliography, recommended titles and videos which are said to be like having a “bookshelf of the author’s titles” on the website.
There are also links to other related items such as DVDs connected to a specific author or book so that customers have plenty of choice for following up their interest further.<p>
The same principles which are being used to such great effect by Amazon can be employed by all authors to build their success in the marketplace. The scale and details may be different, but the approach is worth paying attention to.
First and foremost, the inspiration for your book needs to come from within you, from your own passion to share your insights or stories with your readers. From this foundation, and always maintaining the integrity of your original ideas, building your awareness of what your readers are interested in and taking this into account when planning your marketing actions can be a winning formula.<p>
Providing a multitude of ways for readers to learn more about you and your book(s) is increasingly important for all authors. Building your author platform with a website, blog, and social media connections to name just a few possible activities are all part and parcel of authors connecting directly with their readers these days.
Yet how about also making sure that readers are informed of related projects? You can provide links to audio recordings of readings or interviews you have done, video trailers or recommendations for readers on how they might follow-up their interest further via related articles or stories you have written.
Providing a first-class service for your readers in terms of regular access to quality information that is relevant and interesting will encourage them to connect with you and to continue doing so on a regular basis. You may not have aspirations to build an empire such as Amazon has done, but applying some of their principles of success to your own individual situation will undoubtedly support you to realise your own vision of successful authorship.


Julia McCutchen is the Founder & Creative Director of the International Association of Conscious & Creative Writers (IACCW) where writers discover their authentic voice – on the page and in the world. She offers FREE articles, audios and videos for writers at For a FREE 10 Point Action Plan to discover your authentic voice plus information on training and the benefits of joining the IACCW writer’s community, visit
 Setting the Stage For Creative Writing Ideas 

by T J Philpott

 These disruptions to the writing process are very common obstacles that many experience. There are however ways to combat these irritating occurrences and it has more to do with your preparation than it does with your writing skills.

Here are 3 simple measures you can take to improve your writing efforts and minimize some of these common obstacles that interrupt your progress.

Singular Focus

The very first step you need to take to improve your writing efforts is to find your focus on what it is exactly you intend to write about. You can not move forward until this determination has been made. When you are able to narrow this down it then gives you more direction allowing you to better formulate your thoughts and words.

Much like physical effort your results will improve once you are able ‘concentrate’ on your intended objectives or in this case topic. Without the proper focus you will have created a situation that leads to an inefficient use of your time and efforts.

A ‘Fresh’ Mind

Determine for yourself when it is that your mind is most rested and you feel the most focused on your work. For many their mind is usually the most rested upon waking in the morning and before taking on the challenges of the day. Being at an optimum energy level will also help

It is important to take advantage of a fully rested mind when you write articles. By doing so you are better able to avoid any of the needless delays and frustrations that come with losing your focus due to fatigue.

Peace and Quiet

You need to establish a ‘work’ area where there is little or no outside interference to disrupt your train of thought. By doing otherwise you only invite frustration and also will likely increase the amount of time you ‘need’ to write articles. You want your mind to be clear and in a relaxed state!

Having the ability to record any creative writing ideas as they come to mind is more a practiced skill than a natural born talent. Being able to minimize any distractions that interrupt the writing process is a definite plus for any author. The best way to effectively accomplish this which will improve your writing efforts is preparing both yourself and your environment in advance. By paying closer attention to the 3 measures we just spoke of you can better create a mindset and scenario that will make you more productive when you do write articles.

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. For more tips about developing Creative Writing Ideas and to receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques visit:

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How to Publish Anything on Amazon’s Kindle

By: Randy Benjamin

How would you like to get your self published book carried by the world’s largest bookstore? There’s nothing to it. All you need to know is— and Kindle.
E-books are definitely the wave of the future. Every author should be thinking about getting into this exploding market. The Kindle platform has emerged as the leader in the e-book field, and there couldn’t be a better way to break into this market than through Amazon.
It has been a little over two years since Amazon brought out their famous Kindle ebook reader. The Kindle has come a long way since that first model was introduced. In fact, there are now three Kindle readers to choose from. This article isn’t just about the Kindle reader though; it’s about the content that’s available for it. Notice I didn’t say ‘books’ but rather, content. Everyone knows the Kindle is an e-book reader, but you’ll find more than just e-books in the Kindle offering.
You can publish just about anything on the Kindle. Actually, Amazon doesn’t publish Kindle content at all; they distribute it…in Kindle format. Besides e-books, you’ll find newspapers, magazines, and even blogs readily available for Kindle download, which is how Kindle content is delivered. Wirelessly, no computer needed. If you can get a cell signal, you’ll be able to download Kindle content.
If you wanted too, you could put your company’s financial reports; your team’s bowling scores, even your church newsletter on the Kindle. You can upload just about anything within reason. Amazon does have the final say, but you get the picture. Of course; e-books are what Kindle does best. As an author, this new distribution channel is what really caught my attention. And it gets better!


Using the Kindle to distribute your books is an aspiring author’s dream come true. I couldn’t believe how easy it was for me to get my e-books on-line and ‘for-sale’ in Amazon’s bookstore. Not only is it incredibly easy, it’s free! You just upload your manuscript to the Kindle DTP, (Digital Text Platform) fill in the needed information, (Title, description, author, selling price, etc.) and in a few days your e-book will be online and for-sale in the World’s largest bookstore. You’ll also get a free page for your author’s profile.




Accelerate Your Creative Writing Skills

by Annette  Young

Creative writing skills occur naturally in everyone but for many, these creative writing skills lie dormant and are a source of untapped potential because the person does not know instinctively how to utilise them. Most people try writing at some point in their lives – whether for pleasure, therapeutic reasons or with the intention of earning money from their pursuits but tapping into their creativity can be a source of great frustration when the necessary skill set seems annoyingly out of reach. Increasing those creative writing skills is not difficult but it does require a focussed intent and a determination to succeed. It also requires a great deal of time management, as to be truly successful; a certain amount of time must be allocated to the task of learning.

Writing is akin to starting a new job or an apprenticeship scheme; the basic techniques have to be learned first and thoroughly before progressing to projects of an increased level. Jumping ahead too quickly can just cause increased frustration and essentially put the potential writer off from continuing. Creative writing skills need to be coaxed and nurtured for best results and any new writer would do well to joining a writing class so that they can learn from a professional tutor and communicate with other like-minded people.

A beginner’s class is set up so that different techniques are introduced at a level that is suitable for all but the tutor has to also introduce new techniques to keep everyone stimulated and consistently learning. Whilst much can be learned from a beginners writing class, the writer must also put in some writing practice at home as this will accelerate the learning curve dramatically. Without a doubt, regular practice is the most important part of any learning process and individual creative writing skills literally do increase in leaps and bounds if the writer persists over a period of weeks and months.

There are many techniques that can be incorporated quickly and easily into a daily or weekly agenda and will whip those creative writing skills into shape.

  • Join an online writing course and have personal tuition for careful monitoring of your progress. Most courses are set so that students work at their own pace so there is no pressure to complete projects to a specific time.
  • Purchase e-coaching. Inexpensive yet effective. This way the tutor tailors personal writing exercises to the individuals needs and provides individual feedback.
  • Set aside personal writing time each day. Writing techniques will only sharpen if regular practice is provided.
  • Set up a projects file and include photos from magazines, cuttings from newspapers or even list song titles that inspire. If inspiration is minimal, use the projects file to promote creativity, for example: photos from magazines could be used for flash fiction projects.
  • Create a dream diary. Vivid dreamers need never be stuck for ideas providing they are written in a diary. They can be used to promote inspiration quickly and easily.
  • Become a people-watcher and use real-life events and occurrences in writing projects.

Developing a strong foundation within writing realms may take a lot of hard work and dedication, but the results pay dividends in only a short period of time. Creating fun challenges on a personal level helps to accelerate creative writing skills and ultimately, this natural progression becomes a great source of motivation.

 Annette Young is a successful freelance writer and editor of the Creative Competitor. She has ghost -written numerous articles and e-books on health related and lifestyle subjects and is a professional writing tutor and author of 3 writing e-books and a multitude of writing courses.


 Article Writers – Maximise the Impact on the Reader

by Annette  Young

Article writers often have a difficult job to do, especially if they are writing articles specifically for a client and not just for their own marketing purposes. This is because they need to interpret the client’s needs and understand the project remit thoroughly before commencing so that time is not wasted with extensive editing later. Article writers have to tick many boxes before completing a project to a satisfactory level because although the client’s opinion is paramount, there must also be an integral sense of pride in creating an article that exceeds expectations.  Whilst a sense of accomplishment should be high on the list for article writers, the other consideration is how to engage the reader in an effective way.

There are many different styles of article writing and it can be blatantly obvious that not all are written with the reader in mind. Content is everything on the Internet and many article writers churn out seo articles (search engine optimisation) at such a fast pace that they can sound very repetitive to the reader and this repetition will prevent the article from flowing. This could be avoided if written carefully and with integrity but because of the pressure to capitalise on these writing jobs and complete large orders to strict deadlines, the standard of writing can drop substantially.

The writer must be confident about being able to translate the message within the article so that the reader can absorb the information quickly and easily and article writers need to stay focussed, understand the content material so as to be able to inform the reader and also make the content sound compelling. Some article writers like to blind with science and throw complicated jargon into the mix and depending on where the article is likely to be published; over-complicating could be a costly mistake in that the reader might not bother to read the article through to the end.

It is always worth remembering why the article is being written and keeping those aims in mind. If it is for article directories, house style is not important but making the article easy to read and also to potentially re-publish is a bonus.

The following quick self-help tips will help to keep the writer focussed and in control:

  • Keep the information simple yet effective
  • Don’t try to overcomplicate or use too much jargon
  • Bullet points or numbered lists are useful because they make it easier for the reader to comprehend the data
  • Don’t use too heavily-laden keywords unless directed by a client. Make the article an interesting read.
  • Try to satisfy the reader by providing a solution to a problem and this will maximise the inner message.
  • Write from an informed viewpoint and always check facts. Articles must always be accurate.
  • Stay focussed throughout.
  • Edit, edit, edit.

 Article writing courses can be extremely useful as these teach all the tricks of the trade in a supported style and therefore help to avoid any costly long-term writing errors, in addition, article writing courses help the writer to maximise their individual strengths.

When undertaking any writing work, it is always best to think any type of writing project through thoroughly before starting and this way article writers can provide well-written articles to match their client’s needs and they can feel satisfied at their own creative output as well as having maximised the impact in a positive way for the reader.

Annette Young is a successful freelance writer and editor of the Creative Competitor. She has ghost -written numerous articles and e-books on health related and lifestyle subjects and is a professional writing tutor and author of 3 writing e-books and a multitude of writing courses.


“3 Quick Tips To Becoming An Instant Copywriting Genius”

By: Ewen Chia

 Copywriting is the ONE skill that will turn words into cash, and it’s really the one thing you must learn if you’re thinking of selling anything at all.

From traditional direct mail and now to the internet, the power of words has already made millionaires out of ordinary folks like you and me!Successful copywriters know this. That’s why they charge exorbitant fees for their services, which will no doubtstill be money well invested.

The good news is, you can have this power too. You can write your own sales-pulling copy everytime – if you knowthe ‘tricks’.

Well read on and I’ll reveal to you 3 jealously-guarded tips that can turn you into a copywriting genius quickly…

(1) Start A Sales Letter ‘Swipe File’Simply start collecting winning sales letters AND emails into a ‘swipe file’ that you can refer to for :* Your own education* As an ‘idea generator’ for your copy* As inspiration and motivation.

You’ll find this ‘swipe file’ invaluable to writing your own killer copy. Successful copywriters literally swear by this method in creating awesome sales letters.

(2) Write As If You’re Your Own Prospect.

The real secret to copywriting genius is to get into your propect’s mind and encourage action at will.And the best way to do this is by becoming your prospects!Write your copy from their view and put yourself in their shoes. Think like them and you’ll build a subconscious rapport that wins them over.Throughout your copy, ask questions they would ask.Write from the heart and answer these questions.Ask yourself too : “would YOU buy this product yourself if you’re reading the copy you wrote?”

Identifying with your prospects must begin right from the headline down to the final P.S.

(3) Create The Achieved End Results

Here’s a tip that works like crazy.Create the actual OR perceived end results write at the beginning of your copy. Give specific details. Continue toemphasize these results and benefits throughout your letter.Give a ‘tangible’ feel to what can be achieve IF they buy, and what they’ll lose if they don’t.A simple example…Don’t write : “You’ll receive unlimited traffic to your website everyday!”So? What does that achieve?

Write instead : “Generate 1000% more traffic, subscribers AND sales with less than 5 minutes work!”

This shows the end results more clearly.Copywriting’s easy if you know the right techniques.Apply the above 3 tips and you’ll be improving your own copy quickly … without spending hundreds of dollars orhours on copywriting courses or ebooks. Try it.

About the Author ****************************************Copyright (c) By Ewen ChiaFinally! Discover Web Marketing Secrets,Tips And Resources In Less Than 30 Seconds And Without Spending A Single Cent!–> P.S. More hard-hitting articles can be found at


One New Blog Created Every Second Means Yours Is Irrelevant Unless….

Author: Ba Kiwanuka

Blogs and the activity of blogging went mainstream a long time ago so much so that these days every 1.5 seconds a new blog is created! Crazy huh?

Put another way:   •  7.4 Million blogs were created in the last 120 days    •  1.5 Million blogs were created in the past 7 days    •  900,000 blogs created in the last 24 hours    •  37,500 blogs created every hour 

   Those are downright scary figures especially if you are just creating a blog today because it is a reflection of the extent of the competition facing you today! So what really made blogs and the activity of blogging so popular?    

 Well before blogging became so mainstream and the internet became literally saturated with millions upon millions of blogs, the activity was pretty much restricted to only the truly savvy online marketers (who traditionally set the pace for the rest of the crowd) and the geeks. Once those marketers realized the significant advantages blogs held over normal websites they quickly, quietly and efficiently converted their traditional websites to the blog platform.

Here’s why they did it:   

 1.  Blogs are quickly indexed by search engines;   

 2.  A blog is easy to update and add content to frequently;  

  3.  Frequently updating content encourages visitors to return to your blog;  

  4.  You don’t need to know HTML or any other web coding language to manage a blog;  

  5.  Blogs embrace the 2-way conversation interactivity that is so important to today’s business environment;  

  6.  Social Media Websites welcome and are the perfect fit for blogs; 

   7.  Blogs rise up the search engines quickly;   

8.  It is dead easy to attract web traffic to a blog even if it is brand new;   

 9.  New content added to your blog is instantly viewable and just as quickly picked up by the search engines; and    10.  You don’t need to be a web designer or have web designing skills to create a cool and professional-looking blog that stimulates visitor confidence and enhances their interaction.  

 What those ten attributes listed above so characteristic of blogs essentially mean, is that a blog would invariably and inevitably beat a normal website when it comes to attracting web traffic and attaining exposure! What blogging had fundamentally done was to level the playing field so that even absolute beginners could take on well-established traditional websites that had had thousands of backlinks and been around for several years.

What is more not only were blogs competing effectively with them but actually beating them at their own game!   Before long blogs were popping up as the number one listings throughout Google’s index for the most competitive keyword terms! Slowly and surely those traditional websites that had maintained a vice-like grip on the top-spot listings on Google for an eternity slowly lost their rankings to a large number of blogs.   Soon enough the secret was out that blogs wielded a considerable advantage over traditional websites and before long the activity itself had gone mainstream.

 Now let’s fast forward to the current situation today where the internet is super-saturated with blogs to the tune of a new blog being created every 1.5 seconds!    What 900,000 Blogs Created Everyday Means to You!    It used to be that anybody could virtually blog about anything and were almost guaranteed to attract enough traffic to make enough sales to actually justify it as being worth their while. In such a manner a lot of marketers who had embraced blogging early on were able to dominate a good number of niche markets quickly. But that was then and today, well, is today! 

  Long gone are the good ole days when you could target a small niche, slap together a few mediocre posts to your new blog and attract sufficient traffic to enable you to make money enough to quit your day job! These days most of those once little-saturated and highly-lucrative niche markets are overcrowded with more competitors than their daily web traffic allotment can possibly handle! What that boils down to is that only the very few, very best of blogs are actually able to make money online from their chosen niche markets.   That also means that if you are just creating a blog today, your blog will surely join the millions of mediocre blogs that never make any headway and are quickly abandoned by their owners unless you…    Make Your Blog Stand Out From The Rest Of The Crowd

    To succeed as a blogger you have to make your blog stand out from the many other millions of blogs already proliferating all across the internet. This ironically is actually good news for you because most bloggers have absolutely no idea how to distinguish their blogs from the next guy’s. In fact these days there are two kinds of blogging style, the traditional type of blogging known as Old-School Blogging and the more recent style in tune with the current internet business environment known as New-School Blogging.   The big difference between Old-School Blogging and New-School Blogging is that unless your Old-School Blog is already ranking well on the Google Index, you are going to find it extremely difficult to draw enough attention to make your blog profitable.

In other words if you start a blog today and adopt old-school blogging techniques then you are almost certainly guaranteed to fail. Why? Because old-school blogging techniques will not enable you to stand out from the crowd which also means that you cannot possible compete against blogs that have been around for a while and are already well-established.     The biggest flaw that old-school blogs suffered from was an inability to consistently draw significant amounts of web traffic!     However if you create a new blog and adopt new-school blogging techniques, within little time you will effortlessly attract lots of web traffic. Which method of blogging you choose will ultimately determine the level of internet success!  

Click For More Tips On How To  Make Money Blogging

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View Free Videos On How To Start Your Own Blog At:


Writing With Confidence – Unlock Your Potential

Author: Angela Booth

The biggest bugbear for new freelance writers, and for some established ones too, is a lack of confidence.
Are you a confident writer? A confident writer knows his words have value, and enjoys writing. He also knows that since there are unlimited markets for his words, any rejections are just feedback, and blithely submits his words elsewhere.
When you lack confidence you:
* Procrastinate, because you’re unsure of yourself;
* Charge less than you’re worth – you overestimate each project, and underestimate your own resources and skills;
* Trash your intuition (your creativity). A confident writer has formed a writing habit which is a partnership with his creativity, and he trusts the words will be there when he needs them. And, magically, they are. Trusting yourself is a big part of being a confident writer;
* Get stuck in writing ruts. You’re nervous about writing anything which is new to you. You write for publications way below your skill level, because you lack the confidence to move out of your comfort zone.
Let’s try a little experiment. Rate your confidence as a writer on a scale from one to ten. One is Extreme Lack of Confidence, and ten is Highly Confident.
Write down the number, and today’s date. Then follow the program below to become extremely confident about your writing within a month.
How to Get Confident in a 30 Days or Less
There’s a simple program which I’ve recommended to many writers, because it once worked for me, many years ago. It works for everyone who follows the program.
Here it is.
Write an article a day, and publish your article.
Yes, that’s all there is to the program. It works, because before the month is over, you’ll have shifted your focus from thinking about the effects of writing (where you are now) to WRITING itself. Put another way, you will have changed your mental focus from thinking to doing.
When you’re writing, your thoughts are about writing. They’re either focused on what you’re currently writing, or they’re focused on finding ideas and finding markets. This is the mark of a confident writer: eagerness to WRITE.
So write an article a day, of 400 to 800 words. Your articles can be about anything you choose.
Now, let’s talk about publication. If you’re writing for magazines, or want to, then write a magazine query for the article you’re writing each day, and send it off to a magazine on the same day. Add this to your cover letter: “Many thanks for your consideration. I’ll assume that this article is not for you if I don’t hear from you within a week.”
Keep records. Note down the article’s title, and where you sent it. Fourteen days after you send off the query for an article, send it somewhere else. You’ve informed the first editor that that’s what you’re doing, so do it.
If you want to write for the Web rather than print publications, you have a choice.
You can submit your articles to Web sites, using the query method as you’d use for magazines. Or, you can publish your articles on a blog, or you can collect your articles into packages of ten, and sell them on your Web site. If you’re selling packages, all articles in a package should be on the same topic; weight loss, for example, or parenting, or – any topic you choose.
So, rate your confidence on a scale of one to ten. Then, write an article a day, and publish your article. Continue for 30 days. Rate yourself again. You’ll be at TEN on the confidence scale, I promise you.


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About the Author:
Want to  write more ? Angela Booth’s writing class, “Write More And Make More Money From Your Writing: Develop A Fast, Fun Productive Writing Process” is based on lessons she developed for her private coaching students. Her ebook  “Top 70 Writing Tips To Help You To Write More”  shows you how to end procrastination for good and write more.


Creative Writing through Method Acting.

 by Andrew Jakubowski

Actors put themselves into the role they play; well did you know it is the same with writers?  Writers are not always in a writing mode, in-fact most of the time we’re full of other pre-occupations and experiencing pressure with never-ending chores & bills, etc.

 We need to transport ourselves into a writing mode and leave the rest behind, and of course, we all have the romantic idea of waiting for inspiration to strike, but inspiration seldom does! She tantalises, teases and caresses and is an elusive lover, seldom arriving on time and never keeps company with the timely arrival of the bills, far from it.

If we cannot rely on inspiration on tap then we need to coax, court & seduce shy inspiration towards our pen.

 How do we get into character as writers and allow sweet inspiration to effect out mood and words?  We ‘Act’, like writers that is how! That does not mean some pre-conceived idea; wearing wig and feverishly scribing with quill, would a fair maiden be interested with a pen pusher when she desires a ‘poet’.

 Method actors, like Al Pacino, adopt the thoughts, mannerisms & lives of the subjects they portray; they slip out of one garment and put on another, The Lover, The Hero etc. They do this using methods & rituals. Divesting old habits which are unconscious and restrain us, Method & Ritual prepare us, making us conscious of the character we wish to become – in this case ‘The Writer’.

 When we take off one drab role  and open ourselves up, we set about courting inspiration

 My 4 top methods & rituals to woe creativity & inspiration.

 Go for a walk or ride in the countryside to allow those old habitual thoughts   to subside and fall away, leaving you ‘ready-open’.

  •  Make sure your writing ‘space’ is just that, a place of un-distracted comfort. 
  • Use soft lighting, which will allow your right (creative) brain to awaken and listen.

 Have some pictures or items of the object you are to write about to hand and arrange them so that they tell their story, allow them to speak to you, through you. You would not go courting without bring a ‘gift’ to ‘charm’ inspiration.

 Using method & ritual can kick start your writing and accelerate your creativity.

 If it is good enough for the likes of Pacino it’s good enough for us more mortals.

Andrew Jakubowki’s ventures into freelance writing maps his journey and coaching via the Creative Competitor in the Writers Journey at

 Writing for Cash – eBooks 

by Mike Clifton 

Writing is an addiction. Those of us that really enjoy writing are most happy when we are continually writing. The rest of the time we are just biding our time pretending to be happy until we can write again.If you can relate to this, why not make a few dollars with what you write?

Writing a novel has always been a desire of every writer, whether it is read by many or a few. Of course, many would be better. It goes with the territory. You probably also like to read. You may have a job that lets you write a little here and there, like newsletters, pamphlets and such.

I will let you in on a secret; eBooks are the way to go when you like to write but are not quite good enough to write the best selling novel. Writing a best seller is sort of like playing in the NBA, a lot of people play basketball but there are only so many spaces in the NBA. Players take their love of basketball to Europe and continue playing, trying to get to their dream.

Well, eBooks allow you to build on your talent, while making quite a bit of money. They allow you to practice your craft, what you love doing, and build on your resume. There is no limit on what you can write about. There in no end to the people looking for eBooks on whatever subject that comes to mind. A good eBook could go on for years, earning you money, with just some updates every now and then.

To create a great eBook you need to do the following:

1. Give the reader quality – Write what you know about or research a subject until you know about it. Don’t try to feed the reader a line of slop.

2. Letting someone else read your book and review it for you. Take their criticism to heart and correct any problems that they find. Ask them how they felt when they finished it. Were they satisfied or was something missing? Did they want something more? By trying to fulfill their needs you will end up with a more complete eBook, as long as you stay true to the subject.

3. Give the reader value – Don’t price yourself out of the market. The reader is looking for value for his money especially in this economy. Check out what eBooks are selling for that are of a similar topic and size. You can offer free updates when they become available.

Writing a best selling novel has always been a dream of mine as it is for so many writers. It has not happened yet but I am still trying; and I am able to get some satisfaction by writing eBooks and various other web items.

Creative people need to make things. I get the most satisfaction when I am creating something and eBooks allow me to create a lot of things in a short amount of time. This is very satisfying indeed. My dream of writing a novel will have to wait.

Writing is an addiction. Those of us that really enjoy writing are most happy when we are continually writing. The rest of the time we are just biding our time pretending to be happy until we can write again.If you can relate to this, why not make a few dollars with what you write?

To learn more about the eBook business, check out, , or visit my blog and me at . Check it out for information on making money online with eBooks and other endeavors.


Article Writing: Tips For Success

by Alex De Mostafa

Learning how to express your ideas through article writing is a great means to becoming a professional writer.

The crux of an article is the content. Organizing your ideas will make your article more readable and will earn you a greater audience. Consider these two steps when writing an article:

1. Choose simple language

By writing in simple language, you are able to reach a broad range of people. Most magazine and newspaper writers compose their articles at a fourth grade level so their material is understood by the maximum number of readers.

These writers are highly skilled and could write at a much higher level, but keep their reporting at an almost universal level, so the news can reach more people. Of course not all publications can communicate at such a remedial level.

Technical, social, or political magazines involve more advanced issues than mere reporting, so the language in such publications is more complex and specialized, as are the readers of those articles. Aside from these specialized magazines, a straightforward and simple style of writing is preferred.

2. Present your ideas in an interesting way

Your ideas should be represented in such a way that they are useful to the audience. The better you frame your ideas, more readers will be attracted towards your article. Organize your ideas in such a manner that it entertains the readers. Make sure that dont write whole descriptive stuff so that the readers feel bored. Most of the articles written for the internet or for magazines are in classic style known as five paragraph essay, which is an ideal format for writing articles in brief. If this style is followed then you can express your ideas in a very beautiful way with the good and interesting start and end.

A guide to the five paragraph essay:

1) First paragraph: Introduction-to represent the actual topic and related concepts in brief.

2) In the second, third, and fourth paragraphs, expand on the topic from the introduction in simple, yet creative language.

3) In the fifth paragraph, summarize the topic that you’ve introduced.

By keeping the language of your articles understandable, simple, and clairvoyant, you will be able to write for magazines or Internet publication. By organizing your ideas and keeping your reader interested throughout, and by using “Spellings and Grammar” facility in Word software, you can become a successful article writer with a wide range of readers.

Learning how to express your ideas through article writing is a great means to becoming a professional writer.

Thomas is an author and SEO expert. He teaches effective article marketing strategies with unique content articles.

The Secret to Writing… is Writing! By: Mark V Hansen We recommend that you write out everything you know about a subject before you start researching the subject. Just sit down and write it. This approach allows for original thinking and breakthrough ideas. Write what you know. Surely you have a signature story that you frequently tell to the delight of listeners. Use that to get your mental juices flowing. To put yourself in a mental state to write, you may take on the persona of your favorite great writer and tap into vibrations of their energy or you could listen to music that nourishes your creativity. We all love Pachelbel’s Canon in D which allows us to write for hours on end. Don’t try to be perfect. Remember, nobody ever publishes their first draft! A good editor can fix just about anything other than the fact that you haven’t written it yet, so sit down and get started. Take Bite Size Chunks Our friend Bob Proctor, a phenomenal, must-hear speaker and author, once had a woman in his audience say, “I want to write a book, but I don’t have time, because I’m married, with four kids and a husband and a job to go to every day.” Bob said, “Here is how you do it. Write one minute every day. That is a page a day, or 250 words. In one year, you will have written 365 pages. Edit it and you will have finished a book. She did not take Bob’s advice, but he did! Bob wrote his first book, “Born Rich”. Bob which has sold millions of copies worldwide, and continues 25 years later to be a self-promoted and self-published bestseller. Robert G. Allen says, “Every word I write is worth $20. Therefore, my daily writing goal is 1,000 words. The fact that I know I will be exceedingly well paid for my words keeps me disciplined and writing. If I think I want to watch TV but I have not written today, I go to my computer and write.” Mark has coauthored multiple bestsellers with Bob Allen—who, by the way, takes practically-impossible-to-comprehend financial information and makes it easy for the masses to understand and employ. Bob is a millionaire maker. Can you write yourself rich? That is up to you, your dedication, and your passionate purposefulness. Are you ready to become the writer you want to be, the writer you were born to be, the writer you need to be if others are ever to know what you know? Then write! Write about the things you know, the things you love. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Mark Victor Hansen, best known as the co-creator of the ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ empire (which is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling non-fiction book series ever), Mark is a walking success magnet! Between his books and speeches, Mark has helped countless millions of people become their very best. Visit Mark’s 101 E-Book Library at How To Break Into Magazine Writing  – By Jennifer Carson As a freelance success story, Linda Formichelli walks the talk. She’s written for more than 120 magazines, including Woman’s Day, Health, Writer’s Digest, Redbook, Business Start-Ups, Fortune Small Business, and Family Circle. She’s also the author of two books, The Renegade Writer: A Totally Unconventional Guide to Freelance Writing Success and The Renegade Writer’s Query Letters That Rock. So who better to go to for advice on breaking into magazines? Here are three “from the front” tips she gave me to pass along: 1. Frame your idea effectively. When an editor considers your idea, she’ll think, “Why us? Why now?” You need to be able to explain why your idea is perfect for the magazine’s readers; for example, I might end an idea pitch letter with something like, “Family Circle’s readers are busy from dawn to dusk, but they want to stress less so they can enjoy their time with their families. My article ’15 Surprising Ways to Bust Stress’ won’t disappoint them.” As for “Why now?” you need to be able to hook your idea into something that’s going on right now, such as a news story, a new book, a statistic, or a trend. For example, I might write, “According to a September 2009 study by the Stress Institute, women are 45% more stressed now than they were a decade ago.” (Okay, so I made that stat up! But for your pitch letter you will obviously dig up a real number.) 2. Help the editor envision your idea in the magazine. To do this, you can lead your pitch letter with the same paragraph you would write if you were writing the actual article, and then go on to give the editor a few examples and quotes that show how you plan to structure the article and the kind of information you’ll share. You can also come up with a cover-worthy title, suggest sidebars, and even suggest a graphical treatment if you happen to have an idea for one. 3. You need to be fearless! Fear is the number one thing holding back new writers from breaking into magazines. Don’t stall by thinking you can’t send out your pitch letter until it’s perfect. There’s no such thing as perfect, so just give it your best shot and get that thing out the door! If you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world – I’ve sold article ideas with pitch letters that had a typo in the very first sentence! And you’ll learn and get better as you go along. The important thing is to start. About the Author Jennifer Carsen, J.D. is a “recovering lawyer” and the founder of Big Juicy Life. Her specialty is turning lawyers into writers. Go to for a copy of the free report, “6 Myths About Leaving the Law for Writing.” Article Source:   Set Up A Freelance Writing Business In Two Easy Steps  By: erica williams   Starting a writing business is the perfect way to supplement any income. There are many writers on the Internet who make a full time income with no prior experience or knowledge of the writing industry. One misconception about the writing industry is that you have to be a really good writer. This is not true at all. In fact, if you know how to form a basic sentence, then you could earn a full time income writing articles from home with no experience. Here are 5 easy steps for setting up your freelance writing business: Create a Website- You first step to earning a decent living writing online is to create a website. Since most of your clients will be online, you will need to cater to this crowd by making your website your business card. If you don’t want to spend a large amount of money on a domain or webhosting, sign up with a free blog at Keep in mind that because it is hosted on a free domain, you will need to go out of your way to earn the trust of potential clients. This means you will need decent writing samples and testimonies. Of course, you need this anyway, but you will especially need it more when dealing with a free domain. Now that you have your website created, you will also need to decide how much you will charge. I suggest putting a price list up for clients to see. Also, if you are going to be selling pre-written articles, it might be a good idea to follow your price list. Most new writers charge $1 for every 100 words; however, this is on the low end. The quality of your writing samples will determine how much a client will pay for your pre-written articles or services. If you feel you are a decent writer, don’t short change yourself. Starting off at $3 per 100 words is a good amount. Advertise Your Writing Services- This is the part that gets most writers in a jam. Anyone can write a decent article and put it up for sale, but no one is going to buy it if you don’t advertise yourself There are multiple ways you can go about doing this. Most noticeable one is through forums, free classified ads, mini-sites (blogs) and business directories. Many people believe that none of these methods work, but that is because they are not using them correctly. When writing a classified ad or in forums to advertise your services, you have to be specific and write a really detailed headline. More people will be willing to purchase an article with the headline, “1 Fiber Nutrition Article For Sale-$20-High Quality” than with a headline like, “Nutrition Articles For Sale”. It also helps to use low competition keywords in your headline so you can get good traffic from the search engines as well. If you utilize all of these methods for getting traffic online, you will start to see your client list grow. It is not hard to make at least $100 a day writing articles from home. The key is advertising your services and pre-written articles. You may not see results overnight, but eventually, you will have the perfect freelance writing business. You just have to keep working hard on it. Learn how to start your very own freelance writing business with no experience and earn a full time income starting today. Make easy cash creating articles for publishers and webmasters online and get 4 FREE bonus gifts for technical writers to launch their writing career at Writing Guide Book Check out these new nutrition articles for sale at Fiber Nutrition Articles For Purchase    The Cure For A Common Case Of Writer’s Block By: Andrea Susan Glass Have you ever come down with a case of writer’s block? When you’re fresh out of words! Your mind’s a blank and so is the page. You can’t come up with another thing you can say. Small business owners who have to write articles, blog posts, ezines, website content, ebooks, and other info-products often get stuck when they have to write about themselves or their business. They’re just too close to the situation to put into words what they want to say to promote their business. Sometimes they feel the pressure of deadlines or distractions are all around. What could be the cause of this common ailment and how can it be cured? Often the answer is FEAR! Entrepreneurs may be terrified that they have nothing of value to say, nothing that hasn’t already been said over and over. They feel uncomfortable boasting about their business or they fear their writing isn’t good enough for public viewing. Are any of these familiar to you? 1. Perfectionism. You feel you must produce a masterpiece in the first draft. Otherwise, it’s delete, delete. 2. Editing not writing. Your judging mind is critiquing every incorrect word, spelling, or grammar error and not letting your creativity reign. 3. Self-consciousness. You find it hard to write about your business because it’s not right to brag. And anyway, you’re not a writer! Buy if you don’t promote your business who will? 4. Stuck getting started. It’s always the first sentence that’s the hardest. Or the headline or the title. You think it has to be brilliant to hook the reader from the start! 5. Distractions. You have to answer e-mails. The computer’s crashing. The phone’s ringing off the hook. You have a business to run so how can you be creative too? 6. Procrastination. It’s your favorite pastime and excuse. There’s always tomorrow, but there’ll be another excuse then too! Can you really find the cure for a bad case of writer’s block? Only if you really want to. Test some of these methods for overcoming writer’s block: 1. Plan your project before you sit down to write. It gets your thoughts organized and you’ll be ready to go forward smoothly. 2. Write without expectation. No one writes a masterpiece the first time out. Give yourself permission to let the words and ideas flow out and do the edits later or hire a professional editor. 3. Get inspired. Close your eyes and envision your opening sentence. If it doesn’t come right away, skip ahead and go back when you’ve finished your piece. When you review it, the first sentence will become clearer or just pop out of your deeper thoughts. So will your title. 4. Plan your writing time. Close the door, turn off the phone, and keep an appointment with yourself to write. Set a goal to write a certain amount and don’t stop until you reach it. If you run out of time, immediately set your next appointment. If you can only spare 30 minutes instead of 2 hours, write at least one page. You can do it. 5. Visualize the end result. Imagine your name on the cover of your book. See your byline on the article. Get clear about your motivation and allow it to break through your blocks. Set up a regular accountability meeting with another blocked writer and cheer each other on. Plan a reward for each milestone! Once you conquer writer’s block, remember what worked and repeat it if it strikes again. Bask in the glory of the finished piece and let that be your cure the next time you come down with a case of writer’s block. Of course, you can always hire a ghostwriter like me to do all your writing! Homework: Sit down and write for 5 minutes a day just letting ideas flow from your brain to your fingertips. Do this every day until you get over your writing blocks and fears. Have you ever come down with a case of writer’s block? When you’re fresh out of words! Your mind’s a blank and so is the page. You can’t come up with another thing you can say. Small business owners who have to write articles, blog posts, ezines, website content, ebooks, and other info-products often get stuck when they have to write about themselves or their business. They’re just too close to the situation to put into words what they want to say to promote their business. Copyright © 2009 Andrea Susan Glass. WritersWay specializes in personal and professional development ghostwriting and copyediting. She helps small business owners and entrepreneurs produce and promote books, e-books, and other info-products to brand their expertise, impact others with wisdom, and build passive income. Sign up for monthly ezine and get the free report “Your Info-Product Success System” at    How To Become A Successful Writer: 3 Simple Tips To Succeed As A Writer by Michael Lee There are ordinary writers, and then there are successful writers. I’m sure it’s quite obvious what every aspiring writer wants to be. Gone are the days when a writer was considered a starving artist. Today, writers can also make it big. Think about J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown or whoever your favorite successful writer is. How did they become successful writers? You might shake your head at this and answer that you’re no J.K. Rowling. After all, you might think it’s unlikely that her rags to riches story will happen to anyone. However, your chances of making it big will increase if you took the time to learn how to become a successful writer.  1) Perfect Your Style.  Every writer has his own signature style. Is yours detailed descriptions or maybe sharp-witted sentences? Do you like to play around with simple words or does your taste run to the highfalutin terms? Whatever your style is, stick to it and make it your own. Soon, people will notice that your writing has more character than the others. People looking for satirical stories, for example, will always think of you first before any other writer because that is your signature style. 2) Be Different. If you want to learn how to become a successful writer, don’t write about topics that have been written about over and over again, unless you’re prepared to show people a different perspective. Otherwise, you would just be another redundant waste of space in the newspaper or in the magazine. Try to update yourself with what’s going on in the world or even just in your neighborhood. You might be surprised as to what you might pick up from simple conversations. Browse popular bookmarking sites like and see what topics are hot right now. Some websites will inform you when new or hot trends come out. They include: Note: The same advice applies when you’re writing fiction. 3) Be Persistent. If you want to learn how to become a successful writer, you must never give up. Send out your manuscripts to publishing houses. Meet up with them when necessary. J.K. Rowling wasn’t even remotely successful before Harry Potter was published. Someone somewhere out there will like your style and will decide to have faith in your talents. Don’t be disheartened when somebody criticizes your piece, too. Try to understand people’s comments and improve on what needs to be improved. Learning how to become a successful writer is very possible with the right attitude and proper advice. Of course, you have to know the basics down like good grammar and proper sentence construction. After that, everything depends on your own skills as a writer and your tenacity to succeed. Believe that you can do it and everything else will fall into place.

 Possessive Nouns – When To Use The Apostrophe by Marciano Guerrero

One of the oldest traits that makes man human – and something that we can all relate to – is ‘possession.’ While animals are fiercely territorial, humans are fiercely possessive. We compete so that we can win something, be that an asset or some abstraction such as fame and glory. In fact, Jacques Rousseau, in his Discourse in Inequality #2 affirms that, “The first man who, having enclosed a piece of ground, bethought himself of saying “This is mine,” and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society.” So, as we say in the vernacular, “possession is nine tenths of the law,” meaning that very little comes between us and what we own. And this very human trait is reflected in language. Nouns that call for an apostrophe: Lady’s existence Children’s crossing Doctor’s patient Grant’s Tomb Tom’s arm The wolf’s leg Angel’s breath God’s tribunal Nothing but the apostrophe comes between the possessing agent and the thing possessed. Furthermore, notice that the agents are people, animals, and sentient beings. Nouns that call for the preposition ‘of’: The life and soul of the party The root of all evils The shadow of your smile The Red Badge of Courage The windows of the soul When we ascribe possession to animate and inanimate beings that aren’t endowed with either mind attributes (thinking, reasoning, cognition), or feelings and emotions, then the possession is expressed with the preposition ‘of.’ In fiction When a writer intends to deprecate a character, this is done by denying the apostrophe to the character, which is tantamount to denying that the character has human-like qualities. We can see this in Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre: “Silence!” ejaculated a voice; not that of Miss Miller, but one of the upper teachers, a little dark personage, smartly dressed, but of somewhat morose aspect…” But to humanize the hero: “Whose house is it?” “Mr. Rochester’s.” Notice the intent to dehumanize in the following sentence: Nurse Ratchet, the chief nurse of the asylum, called the names of the inmates. In the title of Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde, we can see that the possessive is shown with the preposition ‘of.’ Again, one can see that the writer is attempting to dehumanize and to demonize both characters, as they will resemble alien beings rather humans. If we rearrange the title to read: Dr. Jekill and Mr. Hyde’s Strange Case, would convey nearly the same meaning, yet we can argue that the author’s intention was to deny the use of the apostrophe to non-human characters. Again, notice the use of the preposition ‘of’ in the same novel: “That child of hell had nothing human; nothing lived in him but fear and hatred.” Conclusion 1. Restrict the use apostrophes to signify possession by humans, animals, and sentient beings. 2. Use the preposition ‘of’ to signify possession by both animate and inanimate things, and non-sentient nouns. 3. Although the above distinctions aren’t universally accepted by writers, grammarians, and stylists, their use is prevailing in both fiction and non-fiction writing. The accepted norm is that the writers should be consistent in their use of the apostrophe to indicate possession. 4. Traditionalists don’t make the above distinctions. Retired. Former investment banker, Columbia University-educated, Vietnam Vet (67-68). For the writing techniques I use, see Mary Duffy’s e-book: Sentence Openers. To read my book reviews of the Classics visit my blog: Writing To Live Article Source:—When-To-Use-The-Apostrophe/191931    Getting Published – Stepping Stones to Success by Annette Young  Getting published may seem an arduous creative journey for the beginner but it is the ultimate goal for most writers. Whilst the road to publication is often filled with obstacles, there are many short cuts which may prove tempting although not advisable and final success can be littered by frequent mistakes. Mistakes are inevitable however, and the serious writer needs to overcome any fear of these so that progression occurs. Getting published is actually not as difficult as writers may think but it does require a certain mindset and a strong desire to be successful. Getting published means becoming an organised and efficient writer and this means deliberately choosing to experiment in style and genre, testing out different word counts and maximising the ability to write to demand. Many writers think that the actual act of writing is all about becoming inspired and then putting pen to paper but professional writers have to write regularly and even at those times when creativity is sparse. The best route to getting published is to ensure that you map your journey each step of the way and take in the following tips en-route: 

  • Consider what you want to achieve with your writing and where your creative passions lie currently. In the early days, it is easier to focus on areas of interest that you are naturally attracted to. This means you can make the most of any writing time available and become more productive.
  •  Make a list of those priority subjects that you would like to write about, or any fiction ideas that are inspirational and list them by importance. 
  • Allocate yourself some writing time as opposed to only writing when creativity strikes. If you can become used to writing to order then as your writing skills increase and your publishing goal becomes ever nearer, then this will forge a stepping stone towards writing professionally. 
  • Start thinking of yourself as a writer. If you write regularly, then you are a writer – fact. Revel in the sensation; it will help spur you on to greatness. 
  • Don’t be afraid to try new techniques if the desire strikes, it’s all part of the important growth process.
  • Don’t be scared to make mistakes either, providing you recognise those mistakes and learn from them, then they are worth their weight in gold. 
  • Read as much as you can and absorb writing styles and techniques. 
  • Some writers become too nervous to send any of their work out into the big wide world, it is important to overcome that fear. Remember if you don’t try, you will never know.

Getting published requires a great deal of tenacity, it requires the writer to harden their resolve, develop an inquiring mind, an ability to self-motivate and to develop a confidence in their own work. Regular practice and a continuous review of the initial development plan are strongly advised for continued progression. Writing is all about learning the technical skills, use life’s experiences intuitively in your writing and learning to carve a specific niche within the writing industry.  Getting published is but a stepping stone away. Annette Young Writer/Editor –   Another thing that makes this an incredible deal is that you don’t give up any publishing or author’s rights. You retain everything. You can even go with other e-book companies at the same time and sell through their channels as well. Amazon only takes a percentage from e-books they sell through the Kindle bookstore. For self published authors, you’ll have to do your own layout and cover design, but if you can write a book, this shouldn’t present much of a problem. Besides, you can always farm out the cover design if you’re not comfortable with your own artistic skills. The bottom line is this…and it’s especially true for self published authors, I can’t think of a better way to enter the e-book arena than by working with Amazon and the Kindle e-book reader. And the price to get in the game couldn’t be any better. ZIP! About the author: Randy Benjamin is an author and syndicated columnist. His latest books, “FREE Internet” and “How To Publish Anything On Amazon’s Kindle” are available in paperback and Kindle e-book formats at Amazon’s on-line bookstore. For more information, visit his website: Article Source:  

As a writer, it’s definitely an advantage for you if you know how to write your articles a bit quicker as this is one of the keys to boost your productivity. If you’re just like me who’s using articles to attract online traffic, you must already realized that you need to produce more articles in order to drive more interested people to your website. One of the best ways to make this happen is by knowing how to write your articles faster (in 30 minutes or less). In this article, I’ll teach you some tricks that can definitely cut your writing time in half.


30 Minute Article Writing – Ways To Reduce The Amount Of Time In Writing Your Articles 




by Sean R Mize

How do I begin? You have a writing assignment or a great idea for a story, but you are not sure how to begin. Does this sound familiar? Even the most experienced writers can sometimes become stuck and not know what to write or how to begin. There is no need to worry, though. With a few simple tips, you will never have to not know how to start again, or at least if you do become stuck you will quickly be able to recover with these easy steps.

1) Relax
Many people become worried, but this only intensifies the problem. The beginning is important but it is more important that something actually gets written.

2) Write what seems natural
Do not try to copy someone else’s style. Writing is best when it begins naturally. The most natural way of communicating for most people is by talking. Think about how you would tell someone else about what you will be writing about or tell an actual person. What did you say to tell them about it? Now, write that down.

3) Interesting Beginnings
While you are developing your own style, here are a few good ways to begin writing which will make it more interesting.

A) a question- If you begin writing with a question you automatically engage the audience. They will want to keep reading to discover the answer.
B) a quotation- A witty, clever, or thought-provoking quotation can act as an icebreaker and set you up to explain more about the quotation and then introduce your own thoughts. Just be sure to give whoever first said or wrote the quotation the credit. Plagiarism is the biggest don’t in writing!
C) an anecdote- Describing a short and relevant personal example of what is begin written about can be interesting to the audience. If the story is humorous or has an emotional pull it will be especially successful.
D) vivid description- Painting a clear image of a situation through words immediately draws in a reader. Engage their senses to heighten the sense of realism. “Torrential rains, that soaked through my old blue T-shirt, fell as I climbed the hill,” is a much more interesting start than, “I climbed a hill yesterday.”

4) The fourth and final step is to remember that the first lines can always be changed. After you have written the assignment or story, you may discover that the piece has gone in an unexpected direction or you may have been inspired by a great line that popped in your head.

In conclusion, the most important thing about writing the beginning is to get it written. If you are stuck, try to talk about what you are going to write to develop a natural flow of words. To make it more interesting, try using a question, a quotation, an anecdote, or vivid description. Remember that you can change the beginning when you are finished to better reflect what you have written.


Megan Easley-Walsh is a full-time author and qualified English as a second language teacher with a background in international relations and history.


How Do I Begin Writing?
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