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FREE Competition Spot











Take a good look at the photo and imagine just what she might be saying.

When you  have decided and in a maximum of 50 words, send an email to [email protected] and ensure that you write issue 4 comp in the subject line.

Closing date is: 25th August 2010

The winning submission achieves publication and the opportunity to have an email or video coaching session on the subject of their choice.

Please ensure that you provide a current Premier1 membership number with your submission.

Good luck.



 Click here if you wish to go back to Write to be Published Issue 4


June Competition Winner






 We asked you to tell us what happens next……and the winner is Pauline Rogers who wins a Video Coaching Session.

Here was her entry:

Picture the tranquil scene, very little breeze and searing heat. Suddenly as if from nowhere, a strong storm whisks along the coastline making the palm tree bend backwards and forwards, making the hammock akin to a giant catapult. The previously relaxed but ultra demanding occupant is flung far out to sea limbs flailing and emitting a loud screeching sound that shatters the peace of the tropical scene- much to the amusement of the locals.



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