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Find That Fictional Voice

Much of my work these days is spent writing non-fiction- such as e-books and articles etc….however my writing life started as a writer of fiction and I remain hooked still on the realms of fictional creation and pure bliss for me is losing myself in the pages of a good novel.

When I first started writing, I tried every genre possible, and became fascinated by how the great writers made their stories flow so well and seemed to invite the reader in to follow every twist and turn. I tried to emulate some of the great writers and found a fatal flaw in this action, I realised that I was spending more time trying to be someone else and hadn’t started to develop my own writing voice and this is an essential part of becoming a successful writer.

Lesson learned, I started to write in my own style and even though, I still received rejection slips for my many efforts (like any self-respecting and serious writer) I learned to pick myself up from my disappointed heap and glue myself back in front of the computer again. I figured by the law of averages, I was going to strike it lucky at some point.

Finding my own style was essential and I would encourage any struggling writer to do the same. If like me, you love creating new realms of possibilites and enjoy painting a picture with words, then let your personality and style develop naturally.

Of course it is good to read as much as possible and to try to write in genres that appeal however, learn to write as you so that the world can discover a fresh new talent.

Once I had my first work published, more publishing achievements followed and it can for you too. It is only a matter of being dedicated to the cause and continuing to absorb new techniques en-route.

Annette Young

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One Comment

  1. Reseller Hosting January 11, 2010

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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