Become a Writer….Today

annette young | January 30, 2010

I’m often asked how to become a writer and the answer is simple; dedication, commitment and passion. These are the key components but link those with a heightened sense of imagination, an ability to visualise and a great deal of enthusiasm and you are onto a winner. If you really wish to become a writer, then you need to start thinking like one, allowing your life to change dramatically

Banish Writers Block Creatively

annette young | January 12, 2010

writing has always been a passion of mine, even from an early age and words used to flow like the proverbial river as I had so many ideas, thoughts and feelings and I never once used to suffer with writers block at al

Writing – 2010

annette young | January 6, 2010

Judith Barrow
The dog is snoring on my lap; she’s used to these hours of immobility as I wait desperately for the next paragraph, the next sentence, even the next word (letter?), to inspire me; to move my writing on. I re-read what I have already written; alter a word here and there, marvel that I [...]

Write about what you know

annette young | January 6, 2010

‘Write about what you know’. It is a piece of advice much used and abused…

writing and new year resolutions

annette young | January 3, 2010

The big problem with New Year Resolutions is that, by definition, they require the presence of resolve….