Break Through the Frustration Barrier

annette young | November 21, 2009

Sometimes writing can be pure pleasure, watching how a story unfolds and develops especially when the words flow onto the page in a seemingly effortless manner.
Unfortunately, all writers also have to experience the downside to being a creative person, when the words seem to dry up and tie your brain in knots…
I was feeling that [...]

Find That Fictional Voice

annette young | November 8, 2009

Much of my work these days is spent writing non-fiction- such as e-books and articles etc….however my writing life started as a writer of fiction and I remain hooked still on the realms of fictional creation and pure bliss for me is losing myself in the pages of a good novel.
When I first started writing, [...]

Write Through Lazy Days…

annette young | November 4, 2009

We have all had moments when we want to write but for some reason the words won’t emerge and the brain is a bit fuzzy. This can happen through lack of forethought but it can also be because we feel the effects of lethargy. If we have allocated that all important few hours for [...]

Dreaming Up New Ideas

annette young | November 4, 2009

Constantly creating new ideas or conjuring up whole new environments in which our fictional characters can live and play can be a difficult challenge sometimes but what if we could use our dreams to stimulate creativity or at the very least to inspire us?
We all dream, albeit sometimes we wake up and our dreams [...]

Writing Competitions….and the Winner is……

annette young | November 3, 2009

Writing competitions can be great fun and financially rewarding too.
Few writers, who have entered writing competitions, cannot help but become addicted to the thrill of trying to outwit other competitors. The buzz of striving to produce the best piece of writing possible can be quite enthralling and the sheer act of writing [...]