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Writing Multiple Articles Per Day The Effortless Way

By Lance Winslow

The other day, I got an interesting e-mail from a fellow online article author. He was not engaged in the selling trinkets or online article marketing, rather he was producing ideas and concepts, along with a little creative writing, and getting this information out to the world. What a noble cause indeed, a kindred spirit I might add. Apparently, he had counted up all the articles I had written, and divided by the number of days, and noted that I had written on average a dozen or so articles every day of my life since I started.

Okay so, let’s talk about this for second shall we? First, that was an interesting figure, and apparently his calculations were on the money. Still, I cannot say that it is the quantity of articles that you write that is truly the most important thing. After all, without decent quality what’s the use, you may as well just put out a bunch of tweets, blog posts, or create a few YouTube videos. Now then, let’s say you want to do this the right way. My acquaintance asked me how on earth I was able to accomplish that feat.

Unfortunately, there is no solid answer to give you, and I’m not sure how I did it myself, except that I persevered, didn’t stop, and worked very hard studying and reading to come up with more ideas and information to couple to my experiences, observations, and know-how. From there I used just a little bit of creativity, and I sat my butt down, and wore the keyboards off several computers, until I discovered speech recognition software.

Is it possible to write multiple articles per day? I believe it is. I think a good number is probably two or three articles per day, and it won’t be that hard once you get good at it. For instance, if you spend an hour a day, and you get good at writing, you should be able to produce 2 to 3 decent articles each and every day. That should suffice, and if you will think about production, efficiency, and find out what works best for you, then you can stay on top of this goal writing multiple articles per day in an effortless way.

The only reason I know this for sure, other than because I’ve done it, is because I’ve been asked this question numerous times, and my answer remains the same. If you follow what I’ve said here in this article, and will think about it, you can accomplish this goal. If you have any questions or comments you may e-mail me, let’s talk.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on []Writing Topic Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

Article Source: [] Writing Multiple Articles Per Day The Effortless Way

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