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Send the Dreaded Creative Block Packing

Annette Youngby Annette Young

It’s impossible to prevent the brain from spiralling into the doom and gloom of the dreaded writers block at times and yes, when it occurs, it’s dire. The last time I truly had a bout of the block was when I was in my early 20’s and the block lasted far more than the anticipated few days or months, it was actually a couple of years before I really got back into my writing. This, in the main, was due to my marriage break-up and the subsequent emotional events that occurred and, it wouldn’t happen the same these days because I have taught myself how to kick-start creativity more readily.

If my brain feels a little sluggish,  I tend to go for a walk in the first instance as just being out of the house for a while enables me to switch off from the frustrations and to absorb nature or life as it goes on around me. I may take my laptop or iPad and then work for a while in a cafe. But, there are other ways to combat the curse of the creative block and you need to try different solutions to find out what works for you.

Here are some suggestions:

Re-read your last piece of writing and spend time editing it if necessary. This can be sufficient to free up your creativity.

Collaborate with another writer on a new project. The interaction of another creative soul can kick-start your imagination. Sometimes, just switching to a different creative project can free the mind.

Write down a list of reasons as to why you started writing in the first place. This will gently remind you of your desire to enjoy creativity.

Have you had a rejection letter? These can be creatively debilitating and make you want to throw in the towel but, don’t let it ruin your creativity. Instead, use it to fuel your determination to succeed.

Are you putting too much pressure on yourself to succeed? It’s important to play to your strengths and to nurture the aspects of creative self that needs a little understanding. If you are trying to take the leap from hobby writer to serious writer, then sometimes, self-imposed pressure can be enough to shut down the flood gates of creativity. Take a step back and just breathe. It’s okay to have some time out but make sure you get back on with your writing as soon as you can and, try out some of the other anti-block tips.

Creative Writing

Don’t wait for the block to lift. Sit down for twenty minutes and just write anything. Just let the words come – in any sort of order. It doesn’t matter if your output makes little sense, this is a great way to loosen the grip of the block.

If your brain has well and truly frozen, go and take a luxurious hot shower and relax. This can somehow stimulate your creativity. You can also use essential oils i.e. rosemary to help clear the foggy mindset.

Set yourself some goals i.e. you will have completed the current project in one week, three weeks or two months- choose a time to suit. Don’t make the goal too tight  but ensure that it is not too flexible either.

Struggling to keep going with a project? Perhaps you need to hone your technique a little more? Try out some of our creative writing courses right HERE

Let us know whether you have any success with these block-banishing tips or, if you have any suggestions of your own.  Message us: [email protected]



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