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How Far Will You Go To Pursue Your Passion?

by Annette YoungAuthor Annette Young

I have long since considered that to be a success in any field, you have to find that inner motivation and dedicate yourself to the cause. It’s all about setting your sights on the end goal and then making it happen. This means identifying your passions, identifying the route you need to take and learning how you can keep that motivation strong. If you are considering writing as a career or yearn to get your books published, then consider just how far you will go to make your dreams come true.

Inspiration comes in many shapes and forms. For me, touching base with nature is a natural boost to any flagging creativity. I work for a great many clients, on a great many (sometimes obscure) writing projects as well as on my own and sometimes I need to re-ignite that creative spark. Living in the Pyrenees Mountains and watching soaring birds of prey overhead is enough to revitalise my creative energies and despite the biting cold temperatures here, looking out over the snow-capped mountains makes me pinch myself and say, ‘hey, I am living the dream!’

Last night having finished my work for the day, I snuggled down under two duvets, (yes, it was that cold) to watch Snow Wolf Family and Me. Noting the enthusiasm and passion of Gordon Buchanan, a renowned wildlife cameraman who seems totally dedicated to his art and who spends many months apart from his family, isolated and in extreme conditions while recording incredible footage for television, it reminded me how dedicated some people are and the rewards they get for being so committed. There’s no doubt about his passion for nature and you simply can’t fake enthusiasm like that – especially in those freezing temperatures. He may have been lucky getting his big break, (sometimes it’s who you know) but, you don’t grow within your profession unless you are prepared to work your socks off and to be single-minded.

To be successful, you have to be self-motivated, dedicated and determined, you also have to drive forward bowling over any obstacles that litter the way so that you can reach that finishing line marked success. Believe me when I say I have bent over backwards to be in the position I am in now and at times, it’s been a risky adventure. My journey meant making many sacrifices, leaving my old life behind and setting out for foreign pastures so that I could be a full-time writer and carve out my niche in life. I won’t say it’s been easy, there’s been a few bitter disappointments and set-backs en-route but overall, it has been exciting.

Last night I gained great inspiration from watching that program, it reminded me of all that is important in the world and our place within it. Today, standing on my terrace watching the birds at the feeder with my breath frosted on the air, I viewed my surroundings and it was sensation overload. Who could not be inspired by the green rolling hills, surrounded by hardened mountain peaks, sentry-like and dominating the landscape?  I realised that uprooting my life from good ol’ England was the right one. If I hadn’t made the decision to change my life, I might have still been in my home town of Salisbury, (which I still hold dear) but I don’t think I would have progressed in the way that I was meant to. Sometimes you have to shake your life up and take risks. I loved the work that I did and the people I worked and socialised with but I knew I needed to write full-time and my driving passion was to escape to the South of France and to write my novel and, I did. Since then, I have written 14 books and every word has been a pleasure matched only by the satisfaction that I am living my life my way.

I guess it’s all about ascertaining what you really want in life. If you only have a vague idea, it’s probably not likely to drop in your lap gift-wrapped. You need to create the dream, visualise it, feel it and then express it. Don’t stop there though, work it. Put yourself on the line, let others give you feedback, learn from it, absorb it and then improve it – consistently. You don’t have to endure freezing temperatures and terrifying yet exhilarating situations for your art form like all those amazing wildlife professionals (unless you want to) but you do have to stand head and shoulders above everyone else in your creative guise and you must never rest on your laurels.

I have my inspiration but you simply have to find yours. Don’t just watch life on the sidelines – get out there and live it. Believe me, it will enrich your writing beyond belief and make your journey towards success that much more interesting.

Now think again, how far will you go to pursue your passion?

Looking into the Gorge


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